New website, and I am very excited with this new toy!

Now I just need to find out how this stuff works…
I do have plenty of plans, but I kind of lack that magical component ‘time’. Do not worry, I am having fun and eventually I will manage to get this website filled with my hobbies and interests and lots of pictures of mini’s (painted and unpainted), 3d printed stuff, random ramblings (I am exceptionally good at those) and so on.

I am new at wordpress though, so I still need to figure a lot out, which is (for me) a lot of fun to do. The frustrating agonizing rage-inducing fun at times, but when something finally works I am very proud of my accomplishment.

Once I have discovered how this thing works, found a suitable gallery and so on, I am going to move my blogs and things from my gm-website to here. So there will be older blogs than this one over time.

By Diona

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